Wednesday 17 August 2011

Manual Sensors connections!!!

BEC, Sensor, Motors

Arduino, Breadboard, Sensor, BEC
My prototyping setup.
This is my prototyping setup. The Uno drives the ESCs and motors off the pins at the top.  The BEC provides power from my battery (when I’m not hooked up to USB).  My 9DOF SparkFun sensor (Gyro, Accelerometer, Magnetometer) is currently hooked to the breadboard – it’s a 3.3V device so should have someTTL level shifting, but since it’s alone on the I2C bus and signalling is open-drain this looks pretty safe – and it works.  I did a version of the TTL logic with 2N7000 MOSFETs, but it was unstable – the 2N7000s have too high a capacitance to keep up with the bus speed so I was getting flaky connections.

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